BIOGAS Convention and Trade Fair 2024

Documenta-Halle , Du-Ry-Strase 1, 34117 Kassel
Kassel (DE)

BIOGAS Convention and Trade Fair: la feria

BIOGAS International Convention es una de las ferias más grandes relacionadas con el biogás en la que da la bienvenida a los especialistas y a otros profesionales del sector que están interesados en la energía renovable a través del biogás. 

Manufacturers of biogas plants and plant components show their broad product spectrum which in times of the energy turnaround is devoted to the German Renewable Energy Act and the production and provision of green power through biomass and energy crops.


Ficha técnica BIOGAS Convention and Trade Fair

  • Sectores: Energía
  • Periocidad: anual
  • Alcance: Nacional

Ediciones BIOGAS Convention and Trade Fair

BIOGAS Convention and Trade Fair 2024 Del al Documenta-Halle
BIOGAS Convention and Trade Fair 2023 Del al NürnbergMesse GmbH
BIOGAS Convention and Trade Fair 2019 Del al
BIOGAS Convention and Trade Fair 2018 Del al